Goldenseal Rocks Reckless Steamy Nights with Music and Memories
Since I have been President of the JSJBF, the October Reckless Steamy Nights has been reserved for former board member and legal advisor, Joe Hughes and his band Goldenseal. We joined the board together soon after he started the band, which marked their 25th anniversary this year. Joe, and the law firms he has worked with during that time, recognize the importance of giving back to the community.
They have always funded a scholarship in the firm’s name, and for the last few years since he established his own business, Joe has continued the tradition. This was a difficult year for Joe and the band with the passing of former JSJBF Treasurer Danny Rongo, who was a frequent player in the band, and a collaborator with Joe in the studio. On a day that was the eve of the second anniversary of the passing of our President Emeritus, and member of the “Golden Horns,” Dennis Eschbach, Joe presented the Foundation with a check endowing a scholarship in both their names.
With all of the above as a backdrop, the band proceeded to do what they do best, enthusiastically deliver tunes that span the 1950’s to the present, with one of Joe’s heartfelt originals as well. On this night the band displayed its versatility with regular bassist, Jesse Kessler, unable to perform due to a prior commitment, guitarist Art Hoffer moved over to bass, with long time guitarist, and now Tennessee resident and world traveler, John Bongiovanni, reprising his original role. With Joe on acoustic guitar and vocals, the only drummer the band has ever had, Pat Martucci on the skins, and Lee Sanderson, the remaining “Golden Horn,” on sax and keyboards, they sounded as good as ever. Kudos to Pat for bringing the small set, as too many bands start with a bigger drum kit and over power the room. Tonight, the sound was dialed in perfectly.
The first set highlighted their range and taste in music, which spanned super group, The travelling Wilburys “Handle With Care,” to Bob Marley and the Wailers “Three Little Birds. Along the way, we heard a boisterous version of “Rock This Town,” by the Stray Cats, Bruce Springsteen’s “Fire,” with all the passion they could muster and a terrific version of the Beatles “Come Together,” something our country sorely needs. A medley of Sublime’s “What I Got,” with Stevie Wonder’s, “I Wish,” paired well together. The closer, Joe’s ode to the Jersey Shore, “This Is My Home,” was a wonderful way to end the set.
After the break, and an emotional check presentation, they began with Art on acoustic guitar and the familiar intro to Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here,” a song Joe dedicated to Danny and Dennis, with the emotion in the room feeling palpable. From there, J.J. Cale’s “Call Me The Breeze,” had toes tapping and heads bobbing as only a good band can do. A fun version of Van Morrison’s, “Brown Eyed Girl,” with some audience participation kept that good feeling going. Next was a great late sixties nugget by the British soul band, The Foundations “Build Me Up Buttercup,” which was a great choice. From there, they moved into the eighties with spot on rendition of the Georgia Satellites “Keep Your Hands To Yourself.” The night ended with some blues, including the Otis Redding tune made famous by the Black Crows, “Hard to Handle,” and the Doors, “Roadhouse Blues,” which included some rousing call and response with those in attendance.
If you want to see a band that will lift your spirits and show you a good time, Goldenseal can’t be beat. Check out their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/p/Goldenseal-100063713694461/

A final shoutout to Doris and Pam for the very nice Halloween table of treats.