By Charlie Wuth
This Month in JSJBF History is a new feature added to the newsletter and will appear each month. JSJBF has a long history of providing music festivals, community outreach and education, youth music programs, and workshops on blues and jazz, youth scholarships, and open mics.
Oct 2012 – A Landmark Month for JSJBF
In this month of October 2012, JSJBF planned to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of its beginning. However, nature and the fates intervened with Super Storm Sandy. With much discussion, and at the last minute, it was decided to cancel and reschedule for February 2013. It was thought that a celebration of this type could lift the spirits of many who were still suffering in the aftermath of the storm. It was to be held at the Dauphin Grille in Asbury Park.
photo credit Asbury Park Sun