JSJBF ‘Faces in the Crowd’

The Face – MD Zund

About the new Faces in the Crowd.

Faces in the Crowd– is new feature in our regular media. It will spotlight the folks that make it all worthwhile, the fans, our community.  So keep an eye out in the upcoming newsletters, our Facebook page and website for more faces you know.

MD Zund and Bob DeJessa

MD with legendary local music scene photographer and friend the late Bob DeJessa

Writers copy:  John Dammacco

I’ve known Dennis for about 6 years. If you know him, you know he has the eye to capture people (and animals) at their finest, naturally. Everyone of MD’s black and white pictures is a vision of a time and place with a feeling of being there. If you don’t know him, spend a minute and chat when you see him out. He’s a cool dude. As a Facebook friend, its clear MD has a healthy creative appetite, a dry sense of humor, and an endless stream of great ‘in the moment’ photos. An undying love for his wife, many friend and the scene is complete. 

Tell us about yourself:

I started my camera career as a staff photographer for a newspaper.   In the 90’s with a photo assignment at Walt Street Pub in Red Bank featuring Gary Wright and Philly Ray with the Terraplane Blues Band, great performances of delta blues. Another famous place that opened my eyes and mind to great jazz and blues players was El Lobo Negro, African American gallery where local bands played on Friday night followed by a blues jam. Owners Doris Spinks and John Brown made it one big family, having a good time in Asbury at a time when most of the shops were closed and dark in the Mid ‘90’s. From there I got to know Chuck Lambert and many other great players, like Flathead Dave at Crossroads biker bar in Asbury and Magnetos with Gary Cavico at his blues jam.  

Tell us why you’re a fan of blues and jazz music:

I grew up in Europe with rock music, the Rolling Stones. I really thought those were Stones songs! When I arrived in America I discovered their roots.

Who is your favorite band to see live? Tell us a bit about that:

No one in particular, I love the jams. But Crossroads with Flathead Dave was a defining time for me.

Where’s your favorite local live music venue to see our Bands.

Love them all.

Is there one event that stands out in your mind as a “wow” moment, tell us about it:

Chuck Lambert’s birthday party! Great intimate moments. Lots of players gathered for the love of the music and playing.