Jersey Shore Jazz & Blues Foundation Board Bios Allen de la CruzBoard of Trustees... adelacruz@jsjbf.orgJeff BavaroExecutive Board Trustee... jbavaro@jsjbf.orgGary NeuwirthBoard of TrusteesBoard of Trustees... gsneuwirth@hotmail.comJay SweetBoard of Trustees... jsweet@jsjbf.orgTom BaldinoExecutive Board TrusteePresident... tbaldino@jsjbf.orgChris ZemlaExecutive Board TrusteeVice President... Chriszemla@gmail.comJoseph V. RiggioBoard of Trustees... 732-670-2157Emil KattermannExecutive Board TrusteeTreasurer... For more information about the Jersey Shore Jazz & Blues Foundation reach out to one of the board members above, read about us, or contact us.